Trans Resources
UC Davis Transgender Resources
There are many resources available on and off campus at UC Davis for the Transgender community. Here are a few to get you started.
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Asexual Resource Center
The LGBTQIA Resource Center (LGBTQIA RC) offers a plethora of resources to the LGBTQIA+ student body. Among the trans-specific resources offered are:
- Gender Affirmation Closet
- Chest binders and Trans Tape
- Programs and workshops
- Library resources
In Fall 2022 the inaugural Trans Advocate and Student Services Specialist, Angel Bernardino, became available to specifically support the trans and gender nonconforming community. In an effort to improve relations between staff/faculty and students, the Trans Advocacy Network was created. The Trans Advocate also provides support in the following areas:
- Lived name and gender marker process
- Coming out
- Mental and medical health referrals
- Assistance with reporting harassment and discrimination
- Campus and community resource navigation
- Referrals to legal services
Women’s Resources and Research Center
The Women's Resources and Research Center serves all underrepresented genders, including women and non-binary folks. Some of their resources include:
- Campus outreach and programming on body image
- Campus referrals and community therapist list
- Information on “how to support a friend”
- Body image and eating disorders book lists
- Library resources and student computers
- A Student Parent Closet that provides resources like diapers and school supplies
WRRC is located on the 1st floor of North Hall. For more information, call 530-752-3372 or contact Cecily Roberts, the center director.
Student Health and Counseling Services
Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) provides on-site trans healthcare services. The UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) covers health treatment and care services for trans folks seeking hormone therapy and gender confirmation surgeries. Visit SHCS's Trans Health Services page to view a general outline of what services are available to students through both UC SHIP and SHCS. More LGBTQIA+ focused information about health and health related services that the SHCS provides can be found on their We Thrive page.
Do you have questions related to gender-affirming care through UC SHIP? The Gender Care Team is a team of medical and mental health providers at SHCS available to meet with you to discuss topics ranging from accessing HRT to surgical procedures.
Name and Gender Marker Changes
UC Davis students have several options to choose from to change their name and gender marker both on campus systems and legally. Refer to the LGBTQIA Resource Center’s guide that outlines how students can add a lived name and change their gender marker on various systems. To change your name and/or gender marker in university records a court order is required. If you would like to begin the process to legally amend your identity documents (social security, birth certificate, passport, and DL/ID) you can start by visiting the Trans Advocate!
Gender-Inclusive Restrooms
Gender-inclusive restrooms (GIRRs) are available at both the UC Davis and UC Davis Health campuses. The LGBTQIA Resource Center works with Facilities Management to update the list of available GIRRs and advocate for new additions and restroom conversions. Learn more about the locations of GIRRs and how to request a new GIRR.
Davis Trans Resources
Davis Phoenix Coalition
The mission of the Davis Phoenix Coalition is to gather and engage the Davis community in ongoing efforts to eliminate intolerance, for the purpose of preventing hate motivated violence and thus cultivating a broader civic culture that embraces and promotes all aspects of the city’s diverse community. Davis Phoenix coalition holds community events and activities throughout the year, including Davis Pride.
Yolo Rainbow Families
Yolo Rainbow Families is a social and advocacy group for families in Yolo County with LGBTQIA members. Their activities include monthly meetings for support and discussion (with childcare!), assisting with community LGBTQIA events, such as Pride, and advocating for LGBTQIA parents and children in the schools, in our community, and nationally.
UC Davis Health
UC Davis Health provides support for trans and gender non-conforming patients through a specialized clinic run by Miles Stetz Harris F.N.P.-B.C. in the Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory Care Center. Miles offers guidance through a broad range of gender-affirming services such as vocal training, facial feminization surgery, and top surgery. This resource is available to folks who are insured through UC Davis. To set up an appointment, talk to your primary care physician about getting referred.
Sacramento Trans Resources
Gender Health Center
The Gender Health Center is a non-profit organization providing harm reduction and counseling services to the LGBTQI community in Sacramento, with a focus on queer, trans people of color. The Gender Health Center offers therapy services with sliding scale fees, advocacy services to help individuals navigate the legal and medical system, and healthcare services, including hormone therapy, HIV/STI testing, and needle exchanges. Internships and harm reduction services are also available, with more details on the GHC website.
Lavender Library
Lavender Library is a lending library and archive housing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) books and magazines, various media, and archival materials. Llibrary peer groups like FTM Sacramento meet there and recurring events like Queer Crafternoons and Prisoner Solidarity Night are held there.
Sutter Gender Identity Support Group
The Sutter Gender Identity Support Group serves the educational, emotional, and recreational needs of the gender variant, transgender, and intersex community, their significant others, parents, children, allies, and helping professionals. They offer regular in-person and virtual support. Visit their website for more information.
River City Gems
The River City Gems is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the lives of transgender individuals and their families by providing social opportunities, peer support, education, resources, outreach programs, and other services focused on the specific needs of the male-to-female transgender community.
Sacramento LGBT Community Center
The Sacramento LGBTQ Community Center offers a wide array of services geared towards the transgender community including community resource navigation, drop-in respite, free counseling, support groups, free legal assistance, community events, and sexual health services.
The Q-Spot is located in the upper level of the Sacramento LGBT Community Center and is open to youth ages 13-24. The Q-Spot provides a safe place for LGBT youth to access wrap-around services like simple meals and snacks, a safe place to hang out with friends, mental health respite and peer mentorship, college prep workshops, free and confidential HIV testing and safe sex kits, basic needs, and emergency housing.
Marsha P. Johnson Center South
The Marsha P. Johnson Center South operates to bridge the gap of health disparities that exist for all people of the LGBTQ+ community and works to provide services that produce optimal patient outcomes. Our intention is to create a safe space where LGBTQ+ community members thrive by pooling our collective power, advocating for equity, and creating an inclusive community of health and wellness professionals who provide culturally-competent healthcare to the most marginalized people in society. Marsha P. Johnson was a champion for black trans people through her life, activism, and legacy. Marsha P. Johnson Center South works to keep and expand her vision to include all people of the LGBTQ+ community both locally and globally.
Regional Trans Resources
Lyon-Martin Health Services
Lyon-Martin provides personalized healthcare and support services to women and transgender folks who lack access to quality care due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, regardless of their ability to pay. Lyon-Martin aims to address widespread discrimination and misunderstanding causing transgender people to often avoid healthcare.To do so they have created a trans-affirming environment that encourages patients to develop an ongoing relationship with one of our transgender specialists that goes beyond just getting hormones and looks at all of their health and wellness needs.
UCSF Transgender Care
The UCSF Transgender Care Navigation Program is a collaboration between the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health and the National Center of Excellence in Women's Health. Both Centers work together with partner providers and clinics to assist transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people seeking general healthcare or gender affirming medical care at UCSF.
The LGBT Asylum Project
The LGBT Asylum Project, a San Francisco Bay Area non-profit organization, is exclusively dedicated to providing high quality legal representation for LGBT immigrants who are fleeing persecution and seeking asylum in the United States.
Online Resources
Activism and Organizations
- Trans Women of Color Collective (TWOCC) works to empower the trans community of color and white allies to create and maintain change through workshops, retreats and other educational work! They also offer community funding for wellness, survival, and education for trans, gender non-conforming and non-binary Black and Brown people.
- Sac Wellness is a local directory of therapists who work in Davis, Sacramento and surrounding areas. This director allows you to search by gender issues, LGBT+ issues, kink aware/sex positive therapists polyamorous/non-traditional relationships and more!
- Trans Justice Funding Project funds transgender organizations, projects, and groups that don’t have 501c3 status or minimal to no fiscal sponsorship. They accept donations and their money supports trans justice and anti-oppression work.
- Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation. Their programs include the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project, National Training Institute, Positively Trans (T+) , and TRUTH, a national trans and gender nonconforming youth leadership and storytelling program.
- National Center for Transgender Equality has up to date explanations of your rights as a trans person in various fields such as employment, housing, health care, airport, security, schools, public accommodations, social security, medicare and more. There are also guides on how to get transgender health care when denied from your insurance and a one-stop hub for name and gender change information.
- FTM International centers support on trans masculine individuals.
- Intersex Society of North America fights to end shame, secret, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.
- FORGE leads various trauma-informed training sessions, including one one transgender competency.
- The Network La Red is a survivor-led social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in LGBTQ, polyamorous and SM communities.
- Anti-Violence Project is an Anti-LGBTQIA violence organization
- TransHealth - Trans Health Clinic list for United States, Canada and England
- World Professional Association for Transgender Health or WPATH (formerly HBIGDA) is a non-profit, interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to transgender health. Their professional, supporting, and student members engage in clinical and academic research to develop evidence-based medicine and strive to promote a high quality of care for transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming individuals internationally.
- Assessing and Addressing Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse is an article from the American Heart Association that covers transgender cardiovascular health.
- Veterans Affairs: Coming Out to Your Health Care Provider helps veterans navigate coming out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community to their health care provider.
- Trans Health is a trans online magazine centering various health care topics.
- Top Surgery is the ultimate FTM top surgery FAQ website.
- Trans Lifeline is a hotline staffed by transgender people and assists trans folks in need. The organization works with trans and cisgender stakeholders to end the plague of trans suicide and empowers trans people to help others in their community through the darkest moments of their lives.
- Jim Collins Foundation funds gender-affirming surgeries for transgender people who need surgery to live a healthy and happy life, but cannot afford the surgery.
- Chest Binding 101 is a guide to free/cheap chest binders and tips for safer binding. Host website, is also a great resource for FTM news and FTM focused writing.
- offers resources about top surgery for FTM and MTF folks with information about risks, answers for common concerns and information about the surgery technique.
- Healthline’s LGBTQIA Safe Sex Guide helps LGBTQ+ individuals make informed choices about their sex life.
- Trans Legal Services Network members represent over 80 organizations across the country dedicated to providing name and gender change services or other legal services for trans people in their areas.
- Fiscal Tiger’s Gender Transition Cost article is a basic guide through the financial aspect of gender-affirming care.
- Transgender Map provides information about the transition process.
Families, Partners and Friends
- PFLAG’s "Our Trans Loved Ones" is a free to download PDF with an option to purchase a physical copy.
- Join COLLEGE's People with Trans Parents peer support group! People with a trans or non-binary parent or caregiver are one of the fastest growing groups of queerspawn - you are not alone!
- How To Know If Your Kid Is Transgender is a YouTube video guide for parents of trans kids.
- HereTV is an LGBT online streaming service featuring movies, series, documentaries and short films
- The Gender Book is an e-book that is a fun colorful community based resource which illustrates the beautiful diversity of gender- a sort of gender 101 for anyone and everyone
- Original Plumbing is a print magazine dedicated to the sexuality and culture of FTM trans guys
- FTM Garage Sale is an open forum for giving/buying/selling/asking/etc. trans*, gender-fluid and non-conforming resources
- College Guide for LGBTQ students from Maryville University is a guide for selecting a college or university for LGBTQ+ students.
- LGBTQ+ Workplace Resource Guide is a guide by Zippia (a company that helps match people with jobs/career paths) on different LGBTQ+ workplace aspects such as LGBT+ job discrimination policies, interviews, coming out at work and more.
Crisis/Suicide Resources
- General Crisis Resources
- UCD crisis care and LGBTQIA hotlines list
- Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
- The Trevor Project: Chat, Call or Text the Trevor Project
- GLBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
- GLBT National Youth Hotline: 800-246-7743
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
- Crisis Text Line: Text "Home" to 741741
- Homelessness/Substance Abuse Help
- True Colors Fund: 212-461-4401
- Pride Institute: 800-547-7433
- Domestic & Sexual Assault Help
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233)
- Communities Against Hate: 844-9-NO-HATE (1-844-966-4283)
- Additional Resources