
Angelina Malfitano Memorial Collection

The LGBTQIA Resource Center library is named in honor of Angelina Malfitano, whose contributions to the Center and the UC Davis community live on in her legacy of advocacy, service, and leadership. Angelina served as a student intern at the LGBTQIA Resource Center and was a Student Assistant to the Chancellor in 2005-2006. Her dedication to student activism continues to inspire the work of our center – may her activist spirit forever burn brightly in all of us.

Searching for Books and Check Out Policy:

We are currently in the process of implementing a new library database. In the meantime, you can view our available titles in person, and check them out at the front desk. 

Our Library

The Angelina Malfitano Library in the LGBTQIA Resource Center has an extensive collection of over 1,000 non-fiction and fiction books, covering various LGBTQIA+ and intersecting topics. All of our books are organized & labeled according to the following categories:

  • Asexuality

  • Bisexuality

  • Coming Out

  • Disability

  • Education & Research

  • Family & Parenting

  • Feminism

  • Gay

  • Health

  • History

  • Intersex

  • Justice & Politics

  • Lesbian

  • People of Color

  • Polyamory

  • Psychology

  • Relationships

  • Sex

  • Spirituality/Religion

  • Transgender

  • Youth

In addition, we have an extensive collection of graphic novels, comic books, poetry, zines, photography books, and other art created by/for LGBTQIA+ people. 

Please note that our library is constantly growing and evolving with our center and with content that is being published! We are making a conscious effort to expand our collection of books that center the experiences of trans & non-binary identities, people of color, disability, and other underrepresented and marginalized identities. We always welcome recommendations of books you’ve read or encountered that address our needs! To recommend a book, email