Student organizations occasionally change their meeting times or cancel meetings. The best way to acquire meeting info is through contacting the organizations directly.
Spring Quarter Club Schedule
Come check out these student organizations that host their meetings at the center
- APIQ: Every Other Mondays, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Even Weeks)
- OStem: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM-8:30pm
- Sakhi: Tuesdays, 6:00 PM -7:00 PM
- La Familia: Wednesdays, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Even Weeks)
- Sapphic: Every other Thursday at 6:30 PM (Even Weeks)
- TNGC: Fridays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- Aspec Club: Fridays, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
APIQ (Asian & Pacific Islander Queers)
APIQ (Asian & Pacific-Islander Queers) is a non-profit student organization at UC Davis founded in 1999. Our mission is to provide a safe, confidential space for students who identify as both Asian and/or Pacific-Islander and within the LGBTQIA+ community. Many of our events are open to the community, regardless of ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, or age. We hope to enrich and educate all students in the UC Davis community who are interested in queer and Asian issues. APIQ holds a variety of meetings and events throughout the year such as socials, discussions, and workshops where we explore important topics like identity, coming out, health, and politics. At the same time, we encourage strong bonds and friendships, and many consider APIQ as a second family.
Learn more: Instagram (, Linktree, or contact us at
Aspec Club
Aromantic and asexual spectrum community at UC Davis. A social and support group for people on the ace and/or aro spectrums. We host events to promote aro and ace visibility and strive to create a welcoming community for people on the ace and/or aro spectrum.
Learn more: Instagram (@aspecclubatucd) or fill out our sign up form to join our mailing list and Discord
La Familia
La Familia is a community-based peer support and social group dedicated to addressing issues at the intersection of sexuality, gender, and ethnicity while creating a safe place for Latinx/e folk to explore and embrace both their queer and cultural identities. Our group strives to provide a safe environment for Latinx/e students that identify within the LGBTQIA+ community; however, our meetings are open to anyone regardless of sexuality, gender, and ethnicity. We hold a variety of meetings and events during the year such as socials, study jams, and workshops which fosters lasting friendships and creates a second familia for many of our members.
Learn more: Instagram (@lafamiliaucd) or visit La Familia's website. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive additional club information and event reminders!
M4M Club
The M4M Club at UCD provides a safe, fun, social space for gay, mspec+, and queer men/masculine-identifying individuals to build community.
M4M is going through an indefinite pause in which there are no active officers. Anyone who would like to be an officer should contact the LGBTQIA RC
Learn more: Instagram ( or contact
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) is a national society for LGBTQIA+ people in the STEM fields. oSTEM at UC Davis seeks to empower LGBTQIA+ students to succeed personally, academically, and professionally by cultivating environments and communities that nurture innovation, leadership, and advocacy. We have meetings every week in the LGBTQIA+ Resource Center where we have study spaces, workshops, guest speakers, fun science projects, and more!
Also, we have a Graduate Student Committee and they have a Mentor-Mentee program! We alternate every week between general meetings and Grad. Mentor-Mentee meetings throughout the year. For people interested in Grad. Mentor-Mentee meetings, they can reach out to us as well!
Learn more: Instagram (@ostematucd) or email oSTEM.
Sakhi is a safe space for South Asian and Middle Eastern students who identify as a member of the LGBTIQA community and/or questioning.
Learn more: Instagram (Sakhi_atucdavis)
Sapphic Club
Sapphic Club is a social group for lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, and questioning trans women, cis women, and non-binary people. We do not tolerate racism, transmisogyny, anti-lesbian or anti-bisexual sentiment, or other forms of bigotry in order to uplift women of all experiences.
Learn more: Instagram (@ucd_sapphic_club)
Trans-GNC United
Looking for a safe space to relax, socialize, and share tips with other Trans/Gender-Nonconforming folks? Look no further! With us you'll find support, camaraderie, affirmation, and friendly faces all around!
Learn more: Email
BlaQOUT is a support Group for the LGBTQIA+ African-diaspora on campus. This is a closed space for black and African diaspora students who are queer, trans, and/or questioning.
Learn more: Email Libby
Athlete Ally
DAA is the campus branch of NPO Athlete Ally, and sits at the intersection between athletics and the UC Davis LGBTQIA community. Our mission is to create a safe, inclusive environment for athletes, coaches, administrators, and fans of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. We strive to achieve inclusion by providing allyship education and resources for our members and those involved in athletics, activating change in our local community, and engaging in social events with diverse groups on and off campus. All are welcome!
Learn more: Instagram (@davisathleteally)
Lambda Law Students Association
The King Hall Lambda Law Students Association is composed of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual (LGBTQIA+) and allied students, faculty and staff at King Hall. Lambda's mission is to create an intentional community grounded in radical love and an anti-racist praxis. As an organization, Lambda seeks to be explicit in challenging all systems of oppression and centering trans-positivity through education and activism. To that end, Lambda sponsors events that raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ legal issues on campus and in the community and provides a supportive space for queer students and alumni at King Hall both professionally and socially.
Learn more: Instagram (@ucdavislambda) or visit Lambda Law LSA's website. You can also email to be added to the listserv.
Rainbow House
Rainbow House is a first-year housing community located on a single floor, geared towards students and allies of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual community who are interested in personal growth within a safe and supportive environment.
Learn more: Visit their website.
At UCD Health in Sacramento
UC Davis PRIDE (people - respect - inclusion - diversity - education) supports the LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, students, patients, and alumni at UC Davis Health, UC Davis and in the Sacramento community.
Learn more: Facebook or email UCD PRIDE