Trans Student Rights Toolkit

Trans Toolkit Flyer

Did you know that 1 in 22 Aggies are transgender or nonbinary? We are so happy to have you here, and want you to have the best experience possible!

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide you with information and resources to help support you as a trans student – especially when it comes to your rights and well-being.

Download the flyer! 

Updating Your Information

Here are some resources to help you navigate changing any information about your name, pronouns and gender identity in IT systems across campus.

Resources for Trans Students

Here are some general resources on campus to help you connect with students, staff and faculty, access gender affirming medical and mental healthcare, and navigate other areas of life as a student.

Rights and Reporting


UC Davis is committed to an ongoing process of ensuring that trans and nonbinary students are treated with dignity and respect, and that they are able to flourish in and out of the classroom. This philosophy is supported by policies at the campus, state and federal levels.

Listed below are some of the rights that you are entitled to as a student at UC Davis. For more information about student rights, check out

  • You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect
  • You have the right to decide whether or not to “come out”
  • You have the right to your own gender expression
  • You have the right to have your lived name and pronouns respected, regardless of your gender expression
  • You have the right to privacy when it comes to your university records, including information about your gender identity, grades and medical history (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act)
  • When seeking medical or mental healthcare on campus, you have the right to the same consideration and respect as anyone else, regardless of your race, age, beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or lifestyle (Student Health & Counseling Services)
  • You have the right to a safe educational environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based on specific protected classes (Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program)
  • You have the right to have your university-issued identification documents, university records and databases, and university IT resources reflect your accurate gender identity, pronouns, and lived name (UC Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy)
  • You have the right to access facilities, restrooms, locker rooms, programs and services in accordance with your gender identity and gender expression (UC Davis Campus Recreation)
  • You have the right to on-campus housing that allows you to have rooming arrangements  and restroom access that most closely align with your gender identity (UC Davis Housing)
  • You have the right to fair, respectful and legal access to participation on intercollegiate athletics teams (UC Davis Athletics)
  • You have the right to speak up and make reports if you experience hate, discrimination and/or harassment (UC Davis Report Hate & Bias)


If your rights have not been respected, there are resources available to you. 

It is always your decision who you share your experiences with. For certain complaint types, it is important to note that if you tell a responsible employee your experiences they are required to report your concerns to the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP).

If you are experiencing hate, discrimination and/or harassmentsexual harassment, or sexual violence you may consider using the “Six Ws'' to document your experiences (ACLU NorCal). Always try to write down:

  1. Who was involved
  2. What happened
  3. Where it happened
  4. When it happened
  5. Who you reported it to (if applicable), including their response
  6. Who witnessed the behavior

While these resources are not confidential, they can help provide insight about reporting options and are tasked with reviewing your concerns and addressing them as appropriate.

*An anonymous reporting options are available.

Confidential Resources

Conversations with staff in these units are not considered official reports. You can speak openly without giving up any control over your situation. These units will not report your concerns to anyone else, and they will not take action toward resolving your concerns without your consent.

These resources are confidential for all types of concerns:

These resources* are confidential for sexual harassment and sexual violence concerns:

*These resources are not confidential for concerns of harassment and discrimination based on protected identities and they may be required to report those type of concerns to HDAPP.